Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Hemingway was the author of many books and short stories. Though he passed years ago his writings are still looked at as some of the best literature ever written. He wrote a lot about war as it was one of the many things in life he craved, yet also what he could not obtain until later in his life due to an eye defect. His writings each featured a unique storyline and most contained a hidden story that the reader had to guess and assume at. Reading his works could truly turn you into a detective. His writings also contained a lot of action and adventure, as Hemingway was a very adventurous man. Throughout his life he had three wives, and bore a son with each. It was as though he was not able to love one woman at a time, as his next wife would tend to be one he’d had an affair with. However he did love each of his wives despite his infidelity. He also loved each of the three boys his wives gave him. He would spend his time, when not writing, trying to teach his boys how to deep fish. Deep fishing was one of his favorite pastimes, along with watching bull fights.  All in all Hemingway was a good man, and an even better writer.


  1. I agree with what you said about Hemigway. He seemed that while he didn't always make the best choices he did care for the people that he loved. And he definitly had themes of nature and masculinity in his stories.

  2. I agree that there was more to the stories Hemingway wrote. It's either the story or something within the story that has a deeper meaning. Although some of your facts seem to be incorrect. Hemingway had four wives and only had sons with two.

  3. Sorry if this shows twice because my computer is tweaking, but I like how you answered the prompt with a more biographical aspect. I agree with what you said completely and I think that you had the right concept :) I also agree with how Hemingway's an amazing writer.
