Monday, September 29, 2014

Six Word Stories

To be without, is not to be

Here and now, what are we?

In this world, can we count?

I'm here hanging by a thread.

I wonder where,exactly, you were.

Monday, September 15, 2014

There Goes the Neighborhood

How many times, in your life, have you met with your opposite? Maybe not an opposite in every way. It could be things like race, or religion. Do you click better with one race or ethnicity better than others? Generally speaking of course. What about religion wise? Do you stick with your religion? Hang around people with religions that are similar to yours? Or does it not matter because you don’t discuss religion anyway. But why not? Why not discuss it. It could better you to hear other views, it shouldn't cause a break in any relationships. What about your day to day life, the things you eat, the way you learn, what about all of that? When you’re in a group, do you create your own scenarios? Say, if you were in a room without doors and windows how would you escape. Or maybe you role-play? Here’s a history question you could pop in there next time a lull in the conversation hits. Consider Native Americans for a moment, how would you feel if a new people, who looked completely different from you and talked and acted in a different way decided to lay claim to your land? How would you consider them, act towards them?

Friday, September 5, 2014

All About Me

I can just about guarantee that whenever you see me, I’m doing one of five things. Smiling, laughing, singing, reading, or eating. Sometimes I get funny looks from people when I start laughing at my own thoughts. Then I laugh at their faces. I tend to sing when I’m bored or with my friends, whom all like the same general type of music I do. Which is most genres. I like to read fantasy mostly, or realistic fiction. I do not like the school lunch, but, I’m kind of broke. So, Lol. I’m an almost sixteen year old girl in high school. I’m not on any sports teams, and as of right now I don’t plan to be, I’m more of a club kind of person anyway. My favorite subject as of right now is English, but chemistry is a close second.

I like nature. Specifically plants and animals, but bugs disgust me. I don’t mind getting dirty, unless it’s my hair of course, and I love climbing trees, even though I’m slightly afraid of heights. Or rather falling. I like to bake, but I tend to experiment when I do, and not everything turns out right. I love wind, and windy and rainy days are my favorite kind. Unless I forgot my umbrella, that sucks. That pretty much sums me up, I mean besides the TON of homework I've had dumped on me. That’s something that I’m not used to, and I’m feeling the weight. Ill power through somehow, don’t worry.